Syntaxes Distribution Chart

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/03/18 11:28

chart_pieDisplays a pie chart representing the distribution of syntaxes for pages on the current wiki
Developed by

Jerome, Vincent Massol

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


Code in XWiki Syntax 2.0

Graph distribution

For XE versions >= 6.1:

## Get all available syntaxes for writing a wiki page
#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
## For each syntax count the number of pages written in that syntax and save the result in a map for later use in the chart macro.
#set ($results = {})
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
  #set ($count = $services.query.xwql('where doc.syntaxId=:syntaxId').bindValue('syntaxId', $syntax.toIdString()).count())
  #if ($mathtool.toInteger($count) > 0)
    #set ($discard = $results.put($syntax.toIdString(), $count))
## Use the chart macro to display the results
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${results.size()};series:columns;pie_label_format:{0} = {1} ({2})" title="Syntax Distribution" width="600" height="400"}}
  #foreach($result in $results.keySet())



Here's a version for XWiki >= 6.1 that displays the syntax distribution for all wiki in the current XWiki instance (Can take time to execute if you have lots of subwikis):

#macro (graphSyntaxes $wiki)
  ## Get all available syntaxes for writing a wiki page
  #set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
  ## For each syntax count the number of pages written in that syntax and save the result in a map for later use in the chart macro.
  #set ($results = {})
  #foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
    #set ($count = $services.query.xwql('where doc.syntaxId=:syntaxId').bindValue('syntaxId', $syntax.toIdString()).setWiki($wiki).count())
    #if ($mathtool.toInteger($count) > 0)
      #set ($discard = $results.put($syntax.toIdString(), $count))
  ## Use the chart macro to display the results
  {{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${results.size()};series:columns;pie_label_format:{0} = {1} ({2})" title="Syntax Distribution" width="600" height="400"}}
    #foreach($result in $results.keySet())

#foreach ($wikiId in $
 * $wikiId(((

For XE versions >= 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${syntaxes.size()};series:columns;" title="Syntax Distribution"}}
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
|$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")

For XE version < 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $syntaxFactory.getAvailableSyntaxes())
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${syntaxes.size()};series:columns;" title="Syntax Distribution"}}
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
|$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")

Lists all pages in XWiki Syntax 1.0

#foreach($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='xwiki/1.0'"))
* $item

Code in XWiki Syntax 1.0

For XE versions >= 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
<div class="hidden">
Syntax|Number of pages
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")
{chart:source=type:table;|type=pie|renderer=pie|title=Syntax Distribution}



For XE version < 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $syntaxFactory.getAvailableSyntaxes())
<div class="hidden">
Syntax|Number of pages
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")
{chart:source=type:table;|type=pie|renderer=pie|title=Syntax Distribution}

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