AJAX Example

Version 19.1 by Eduard Moraru on 2021/03/18 11:24

cogExample to display Json Data and HTML rendering  (from other page) in the current page without reload it
Developed by

Pascal Bastien

LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


If you have a wiki page containing a script to generate JSON or a page generating some nice buttons, table, etc. and you want display it in current page when you click on a button without reload all the page.

Here a short example, to show a way to do it in SandBox space.
We have 3 Pages:

  • the main page with button to display result from JsonHello page and HtmlHello page
  • JsonHello page containing JSON data
  • and  HtmlHello page containing a nice warning box.

How to proceed

Manually (step-by-step)

  1. Create a new page JsonHello containing a script to generate JSON data like this one:
    {{velocity wiki="false"}}
    ## If AJAX call
    #if("$!request.outputSyntax" != '')
    #set($MyJsonData = {'greeting': 'Hello', 'location': 'World'})

    ## In order to ensure the generated JSON is valid it is recommanded to
    ## build the JSON in memory (using Velocity/Java maps, arrays and basic types)
    ## and then serialize it with $jsontool.serialize method.
    ## Usage (from Marius: http://xwiki.markmail.org/message/wsvaj4leg5atufwd):
    ## #set($array = [1, 2, 3])
    ## $jsontool.serialize($array)
    ## #set($map = {'enabled': true, 'color': 'yellow', 'count': 13})
    ## $jsontool.serialize($map)


     inspired by Output JSON example.

  2. Create a new page HtmlHello containing a warning box like this one:
    ## If AJAX call
    #if("$!request.outputSyntax" != '')
    {{html wiki="true"}}
     <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
     Hello World !
  3. Create the main page AjaxDemo containing button to display result of the Ajax Demo
    Here a nice Ajax Demo to get:

    * Json Data (from [[JsonHello]]) in this target

    <div id="AjaxJsonTarget">
    <input class="button" type="submit" id="GetJson" value="Get My json data!">

    * or HTML rendering of a nice warning box ([[HtmlHello]]) in this target:

    <div id="AjaxHtmlTarget">
    <input class="button" type="submit" id="GetHtml" value="Get my nice Warning box!">

    Notice: To avoid bringing all page content, JS must get Page with "xpage=plain&outputSyntax=xxxx" (json or html) parameter.
  4. Finally add an XWiki.JavaScriptExtension xobject to this page and paste this this javascript code:
    //Ajax function: Display JSON data from JsonDemo page next "AjaxJsonTarget" Div (button).
    require(['jquery'], function ($) {
    var Target = $('#AjaxJsonTarget')
    var Launcher = $('#GetJson')
    var Url = new XWiki.Document('JsonHello','Sandbox').getURL('get');
    var UrlParams = { 'xpage': 'plain','outputSyntax': 'plain' };
      $.get( Url, UrlParams, function( data ) {
        $( Target )
          .append( "Greeting: " + data.greeting ) // Hello
         .append( " Location: " + data.location ); // World
      }, "json" );

    //Ajax function: replace "AjaxHtmlTarget" Div (button) with html result from HtmlHello page (FadeIn/Out is nicer than only load).
    require(['jquery'], function ($) {
    var Target = $('#AjaxHtmlTarget')
    var Launcher = $('#GetHtml')
    var Url = new XWiki.Document('HtmlHello','Sandbox').getURL('get');
    var UrlParams = { 'xpage': 'plain','outputSyntax': 'html' };
     Target.fadeOut('slow','linear', function () {
     Target.load(Url, UrlParams, function( response, status, xhr ) {
        if ( status == "error" ) {
          var msg = "Sorry but there was an error: ";
            Target.html( msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText );

Packaged XAR Example

Simply, import the XAR file attached on this page: AjaxDemo-1.2.xar and go to the AjaxDemo page in Sanbox space to see it in action.




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