Delete Space

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2022/05/03 17:15

cogLists all spaces in a wiki and provides links to delete each space
Developed by

Vincent Massol

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


This snippet is no longer useful since the ability to delete a space is now part of the XWiki Platform.

The deletion of a space cannot be reverted. Use this at your own risk. Note that since XWiki 1.2 it's possible to revert page deletions, but only one by one.


Version 1

This version doesn't require programming rights (just delete rights on pages to be deleted) but will not delete hidden pages.

In XWiki Syntax 2.0:

#if ($
  #if ($request.confirm == "1")
    #foreach ($item in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($
      #set($itemRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference($context.getDatabase(), ${}, $item))
      * Deleting $item $xwiki.getDocument(${itemRef}).delete()\\
    #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($
    [[Confirm delete space ${}>>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}&confirm=1]]:   
    #foreach ($item in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($
      * $item
  #foreach($space in $xwiki.spaces)
    #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($space))
    |$space|[[Index>>Main.SpaceIndex?space=${spaceName}]] - [[Delete>>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}]]

In XWiki Syntax 1.0:

1 Delete Space

#if ($
  #if ($request.confirm == "1")
    #foreach ($item in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($
      #set($itemRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference($context.getDatabase(), ${}, $item))
      * Deleting $item $xwiki.getDocument(${itemRef}).delete()
    #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($
    [Confirm delete space ${}>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}&confirm=1]

    1.1 List of docs that will be deleted

    #foreach ($item in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($
      * $item
    Space | Action
    #foreach($space in $xwiki.spaces)
      #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($space))
      $space | [Index>Main.SpaceIndex?space=${spaceName}] - [Delete>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}]

Version 2

This version requires programming rights and will delete all documents including hidden ones.

XWiki Syntax 2.0

#if ($
  #if ($request.confirm == "1")
    #foreach ($item in $"select doc.fullName from XWikiDocument doc where = '$'"))
      #set($itemRef = $services.model.resolveDocument($item))
      * Deleting $item $xwiki.getDocument($itemRef).delete()\\
    #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($
    [[Confirm delete space ${}>>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}&confirm=1]]:   
    #foreach ($item in $"select doc.fullName from XWikiDocument doc where = '$'"))
      * $item
  #foreach($space in $xwiki.spaces)
    #set($spaceName = $escapetool.url($space))
    |$space|[[Index>>Main.SpaceIndex?space=${spaceName}]] - [[Delete>>$doc.fullName?space=${spaceName}]]


deletespaces.png deletespaces2.png

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