Show Hide DIV

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/03/18 11:28

cogLets you show/hide a DIV element on a page using Javascript
Developed by

Guillaume Lerouge

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

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You can decide to keep the DIV hidden when the page loads and show it when a button is clicked or alternatively show the DIV when the page loads and hide it when clicked. It uses the toggleClass function originally used to show/hide attachments.

If you want to hide the DIV when page loads just set its class as 'hidden', otherwise leave it blank.


<div id="DIV ID" class="">
This Box will be hidden if you click on the box below!

<div onclick="toggleClass($('DIV ID'), 'hidden')">
Show/Hide the box!

Or alternatively the following one to keep the box hidden when page loads:

<div id="DIV ID" class="hidden">
This Box will be hidden if you click on the box below !

<div onclick="toggleClass($('DIV ID'), 'hidden')">
Show/Hide the box!


Box Shown when page loads

Box Hidden when page loads

This Box will be hidden if you click on the box below !

Show/Hide the box above !

Show/Hide the box above !

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