Syntaxes Distribution Chart

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/03/18 11:28

chart_pieDisplays a pie chart representing the distribution of syntaxes for pages on the current wiki
Developed by

Jerome, Vincent Massol

LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


Code in XWiki Syntax 2.0

Graph distribution

For XE versions >= 6.1:

## Get all available syntaxes for writing a wiki page
#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
## For each syntax count the number of pages written in that syntax and save the result in a map for later use in the chart macro.
#set ($results = {})
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
  #set ($count = $services.query.xwql('where doc.syntaxId=:syntaxId').bindValue('syntaxId', $syntax.toIdString()).count())
  #if ($mathtool.toInteger($count) > 0)
    #set ($discard = $results.put($syntax.toIdString(), $count))
## Use the chart macro to display the results
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${results.size()};series:columns;pie_label_format:{0} = {1} ({2})" title="Syntax Distribution" width="600" height="400"}}
  #foreach($result in $results.keySet())



Here's a version for XWiki >= 6.1 that displays the syntax distribution for all wiki in the current XWiki instance (Can take time to execute if you have lots of subwikis):

#macro (graphSyntaxes $wiki)
  ## Get all available syntaxes for writing a wiki page
  #set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
  ## For each syntax count the number of pages written in that syntax and save the result in a map for later use in the chart macro.
  #set ($results = {})
  #foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
    #set ($count = $services.query.xwql('where doc.syntaxId=:syntaxId').bindValue('syntaxId', $syntax.toIdString()).setWiki($wiki).count())
    #if ($mathtool.toInteger($count) > 0)
      #set ($discard = $results.put($syntax.toIdString(), $count))
  ## Use the chart macro to display the results
  {{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${results.size()};series:columns;pie_label_format:{0} = {1} ({2})" title="Syntax Distribution" width="600" height="400"}}
    #foreach($result in $results.keySet())

#foreach ($wikiId in $
 * $wikiId(((

For XE versions >= 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${syntaxes.size()};series:columns;" title="Syntax Distribution"}}
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
|$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")

For XE version < 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $syntaxFactory.getAvailableSyntaxes())
{{chart type="pie" source="inline" params="range:B1-B${syntaxes.size()};series:columns;" title="Syntax Distribution"}}
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
|$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")

Lists all pages in XWiki Syntax 1.0

#foreach($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='xwiki/1.0'"))
* $item

Code in XWiki Syntax 1.0

For XE versions >= 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $services.rendering.availableParserSyntaxes)
<div class="hidden">
Syntax|Number of pages
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")
{chart:source=type:table;|type=pie|renderer=pie|title=Syntax Distribution}



For XE version < 2.3M1:

#set($syntaxes = $syntaxFactory.getAvailableSyntaxes())
<div class="hidden">
Syntax|Number of pages
#foreach($syntax in $syntaxes)
$syntax.toIdString()|$xwiki.countDocuments("where doc.syntaxId='$syntax.toIdString()'")
{chart:source=type:table;|type=pie|renderer=pie|title=Syntax Distribution}

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